Found: Konyak Naga Raincoat


Found highlights places, people and objects of the Northeast that are unfamiliar, fresh and 'discovered' spontaneously. These are presented in their purest form, with minimal intervention by us.


The Konyak Naga rain shields woven by men from the Longwa village in Nagaland bordering Myanmar is an indigenous craft. Used traditionally as protection from the sun, rain and sometimes wild animals or insects while working in paddy fields, this beautiful raincoat is made from leaves of a wild palm tree locally known as Rok (fishtail palm) and held together by cane fibres along with a wild tree bark called Wah.

#found #forestgrown #livingmaterials #timeshaped #heartmade #creativecommunity #northeastindia

Research courtesy: Heirloom Naga

Found: Hidden Treasure


Featured: Baa